We've cheered up in the office considerably since the bosses went back to their lair in another state.
I've had incredibly bad back pain for the last few days, particularly yesterday, when I was recovering from physical therapy the day before. It was a 7 or 8 on the pain scale and the only thing that got me through the day was a tram. Makes me stupid and in a fog, but it's better than the sharp shooting pain. Anyway, I made an appointment right away with the rheumy and told him I wanted a cortis one shot, and he gave it to me reluctantly, and voila, it worked it's magic, to some extent. I'm still in pain today but it's much less. I need to let the physical therapist know tonight. I don't know how we could be more gentle, but dang, that was so painful.
I'm glad my rheumy does what I want. He's cool. And the effect of the cortison is also that I don't have pain in my hands. Yay!
Well, seems it's time once again for my quasi-annual check-in to see how things are going in Spangleville, and as things turn out, you're both in pain and in love. Ahhh, yes, just as I expected. No, hold on, reading deeper I see the two are completely unrelated, and to top it off, you've dodge some sort of corporate bullet. Action packed!
Spanglemonkey is like one of those little diners you love but for whatever reason don't visit often enough, and then when you think about going, you feel this little pit of darkness turn in your stomach. What if it's not there? What then?
Thankfully that day is not today.
Posted by: Keith | April 27, 2014 at 09:30 AM