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June 25, 2004


Ms. Jane

I got 100, which was way better than I was expecting. The map was really small!


What??? All the pictures I've posted of NJ, and now Va., and you don't believe we exist? Man, oh man. Somebody send this girl a ticket to Newark Airport. She needs to see the east.


112, I choose to blame my public education... please don’t take away my citizenship


I'd go take it, but I'm afraid I might realize I'm lost.


Not too shabby. 142. And I've hardly been east of the Mississippi.


136 thanks to living on both coasts during my lifetime. It's all that stuff in the middle that threw me. ;)


I think you know my feelings on US Geography. If you didn't get at least a 140, go get a 50 States puzzle and practice until you get it right. Of course, I've only ever enforced this rule on my then-boyfriend and now-spouse.

I got 146 out of 147 on Africa. I mixed up Sierra Leone and Guinea Bissau, AGAIN. I hereby forfeit one of my degrees.


Sierra Leone? Isn't she an actress. But Guinea Bissau, I can't place what movie he was in for the life of me.


150, baby. I'm afraid to take the other parts of the world as i never learned anything past 1980 or so. Here goes nothing.

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