A sexy dream last night about Eliz's math teacher. Oh dear. He is totally cute, and about 15 years younger than me. Well, okay, 10. He plays soccer. Need I say more? Touseled CA boy. I described him to Ep once, and she thought it was sort of vaguely amusing that I had a crush on my daughter's teacher and could hardly speak to him or meet his eye, and then, lo and behold, he showed up one morning at the coffeeshop where ep and I sat. She started giggling and could not stop, all the way through the introductions. "He he he he he he." Of course I blushed bright red and couldn't really think of anything to say. Lucky for us he was gracious and went to get his own coffee, and met his friend, not sitting with us. Two middle-aged women giggling and blushing, we wouldn't have been much company anyway...